
Wu Xingyu - Project Portfolio Page


SysLib is a CLI Library Management software for system librarians.

From viewing, adding, searching, editing, deleting and saving, SysLib provides all the features needed to manage library resources and events.

Summary of Contributions

Code contributed

View the code I contributed via the tp Code Dashboard link here.

Enhancements implemented

  1. Command and Delete Command for resources
  2. Parser and suggestParser Class
  3. EventAdd, EventList, EventDelete Command for events


1. Command and Delete Command for resources

Main classes and methods implemented:

Implemented a class Command which is an abstract class to execute() each command

User keys in a command followed by its arguments using “/”. For each command they have their own required arguments, so this list, args, differs for each command, but the implementation is the same.

Thus parseArgument() function will be called to first to get these arguments, which loops through the list of args that the command requires, then getMatch() is called to check if the arguments exist in the user input, which calls checkMatch() to ensure no issues with “/” in arguments.

After validate() is called to verify the user input against the arguments received, this then calls checkDuplicate() to check for duplicate calls of the same argument.

At the end, validate() checks for additional random variables/commands. If there is, getReason() will be called to verify the reason for error to give more informative feedback. If the additional command/variable resemble an argument, a suggested argument will be given.

parseInt() is by some commands to check for an input of a valid integer.

DeleteCommand class is an implementation of Command that get takes in the id of the resource to be deleted, the id is parsed through the parseInt() function

2. Parser and SuggestParser Class

Parser class includes:

commandProcessor stores the String variable of the command as a key and the Command variable as the value. Thus by using removeFirstWord and taking this word, we can compare it to the keys in commandProcessor to get the right command to execute.

eventList and resourceList are the ArrayList to store the event and resource that is currently in the database. It can be used by other commands to add/edit/delete informations.

processUserResponse makes use of the commandProcessor and removeFirstWord to call the right command. If no valid command is found, the suggest function in SuggestParser will be called to try to find the nearest valid command that the user may be trying to call.

3. EventAdd, EventList, EventDelete Command for events

Using the eventList in Parser to store events, we can use these functions below to manipulate events:

EventAdd takes in title, date and description(optional) of the event and store this in the eventList. This event is then stored at the index where it fits chronologically(earlier dates first).

EventList list out all the existing events in chronological order.

EventDelete deletes the event based on the given index.

Contributions to the UG:

Contributions to the DG:

Contributions to team-based tasks

Review/mentoring contributions: